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Σάββατο, 5 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
ΑρχικήEnglish EditionDiscovering new worlds

Discovering new worlds

By Evi Chrysoheri,

Everyday life and its routine usually become automatic and dull for most people, as obligations take up the majority of their time. It is certain that everyone at some point in their life has felt that they have nothing to occupy themselves with in their leisure, and therefore say the famous phrase “I’m bored”. Although rest is necessary during breaks from work, there is a wide variety of activities one could participate in during their weekends or even throughout the week. Thus, the problem of boredom that overwhelms people can be resolved.

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In more detail, this article will present five interesting hobbies that someone might not have initially considered. Firstly, horse riding is a good choice, as one has the option to follow either the path of sport or recreational riding. Recreational riding is non-competitive, it usually takes place outdoors on a mountain or in a forest and is purely for entertainment purposes. On the other hand, competitive riding involves participating in equestrian sports and events, which can be both challenging and rewarding. As a result, the contact with nature and the breath-taking scenery landscapes it offers to horse riders, along with the upcoming bond created between the animal and the rider, is a reason why someone should engage in this activity.

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Next on the list is scuba diving, an activity that also brings you close to nature while providing a rush of adrenaline. Scuba diving has become a quite popular hobby, as it gives unique experiences to the participants. Additionally, diving takes place in the sea while using specialized equipment, such as compressed air tanks that allow divers to spend more time underwater, special swimsuits to maintain the body temperature, since the deeper we go, the colder it gets, masks, flashlights, and many more. Of course, in order to start diving, one must attend proper lessons from a certified instructor. In the initial dives, beginners are always accompanied by the teacher. Moreover, group dives are common, as they make the experience more enjoyable and at the same time less dangerous. Thus, scuba diving brings people closer to the flora and fauna of the underwater world, which can simultaneously stimulate their senses, as they find themselves in a foreign environment, yet also bring them peace.

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Another activity that will help someone escape from everyday life is hiking. Hiking involves long walks in plains or in mountains, hills, and other terrains. Hiking clubs have been created so that one can join them and participate in group hikes in various places, mostly in the countryside. They are almost like day trips, as members have the opportunity to interact with each other and friendships can blossom. One more significant benefit that goes hand in hand with hiking is physical exercise. As many people struggle to put gymnastics in their schedule, this can be a pleasant solution. In this way, the symptoms of a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged lack of exercise, which can cause future health complications, will be avoided.

Fourth on the list is the participation in a theatrical group, an artistic pursuit. Participating in a theatre group is an interesting activity since you can discover new aspects of yourself. More specifically, through theatrical exercises, one can gain the ability to express their feelings more easily and confidently, since acting goes hand in hand with expressiveness and representation. Additionally, through this group, there are opportunities to meet people and even in the future to take part in an organized performance. In this way, one will develop a collaborative spirit, as well as a sense of joy and pride in their accomplishment.

Last on the list is volunteering, although some might not characterize it as a hobby. It involves various groups or organizations that seek voluntary help from those willing to offer it. There are various organizations that need help, such as environmental ones or common meals. These actions can make you feel self-fulfillment and that you have contributed to your fellow human in need. Additionally, through volunteering, there might be an opportunity for you to be offered a job if you are an active member.

In summary, taking up a new hobby is always a good idea, if one’s schedule allows it, as beyond the pleasure and experiences, one may also discover their next passion.



Evi Chrysoheri
Evi Chrysoheri
She gratudated from the sixth General High School of Amarousion, Athens. She is an undergratuate student of the Department of Philology majoring in Classics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a degree in English.