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Τρίτη, 4 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΑρχικήEnglish EditionWhat is Constant Connectivity? Part ΙΙ

What is Constant Connectivity? Part ΙΙ

By Sofia Machaira,

In regards to the list of cons concerning constant connectivity, it is a fact that the culture of immediacy and the continuous fragmentation of time are not compatible with everyone’s lifestyle. Specifically, it can be exceptionally overwhelming and draining to keep up with updates all the time.

A lack of clear boundaries can pave the way for a burnout due to overworking or, on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, cause an apathetic mindset. Both are accompanied by anxiety and perhaps even low self-esteem. This implies that the person may feel like they’re not “enough” compared to other individuals, solely based on their social media presence and achievements. Or they may form parasocial relationships. Also, as previously mentioned, it can lead to an increase in loneliness because of the lack of in-person interaction or by being ostracized from a community (i.e. toxic behavior from other members). Simultaneously, social media cultivates the urge to seek validation and curate self-presentation. Please highlight that if any of those mental health symptoms apply to you, make time to investigate them or seek the advice of a professional to help find the root of the issue and get an official diagnosis.

Let us be reminded that there are more practical and technical issues too. Too much time in front of a screen can mess up one’s sleep cycle and get in the way of proper time management for other activities, especially physical ones such as exercising. Oversharing or not taking proper security measures (i.e. two factor authentication) may also result in a breach of sensitive information. Plus, every business nowadays must set a budget to invest in cyber security for protecting their data. Unfortunately, it is not rare for a company to attempt to take advantage of an employee’s time during off-hours for unpaid labor. Learning how to correctly handle such situations may require good communication skills and diplomacy.

Image Rights: Freepik/ Credits: wayhomestudio

As expected, there needs to be a balance and a healthy mindset towards the subject. Nothing in life is black and white, attention is difficult to share between multiple tasks simultaneously. There’s always a choice of where to keep our focus. Of course, it mainly depends on the type of job and the habits each person has developed. Sometimes, it feels like modern reality puts us in a state of constantly being observed, and thus constantly needing to perform in a socially acceptable way. Especially within the workplace, just as back in the day a cubicle could feel like a jail to the employee, the phone has now been assigned this role. Which means, the phone can be the chain that brings work home. Let us not forget that a break is just as productive as working actively. Why? Well, because without all the necessary breaks, the mind is tired, and the body does not have enough energy to function.

In other words, all actions taken should be mindful, always taking into consideration what’s good for our mental health in the long run. A digital detox should be done occasionally, if possible. Constant connectivity cannot and should not replace face-to-face interactions. Technology is a great tool, and it takes time to adapt and become resilient to its attention-grabbing tactics. The good, the bad, and the advice could be discussed and elaborated on for hours on end. Thankfully, countless people are willing to help and share their stories!

  • Understanding constant connectivity to work: How and for whom is constant connectivity related to employee well-being? ELSEVIER. Available here
  • Mental Health in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges of Constant Connectivity. Linked In. Available here
  • What are some potential psychological benefits and drawbacks of the growing trend of constant connectivity through social media and digital devices? Quora. Available here



Sophia Machaira
Sophia Machaira
Born and raised in Athens in 2002, studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, department of Informatics and Telecommunications. Adores writing free-verse poetry, fluent in English and hopes to work in web design.